Pitching Angels

Pitching Your Startup to Angels and VCs

About Pitching Angels

Welcome to the Pitching Angels series. My name is DC Palter. Part time angel investor, part time startup mentor, full time startup entrepreneur. Oh, and published author and wannabee novelist, too.

I never set out to become an angel investor or even an entrepreneur but my life has taken many unexpected twists and turns and that’s where I find myself now, and enjoying it.

I’ve invested directly in about 20 companies over 10 years, plus a bunch more indirectly as part of two funds. I’m a member of two angel investor groups: Tech Coast Angels and Chemical Angel Network.  While mentoring dozens of startups, I’ve heard the same questions over and over, had to correct the same misunderstandings about pitching to angels and decided to put together this guide to help you. 

I started my career as an energy engineer and energy sustainability remains my passion, though most of my working career and the two successful businesses I built were in computer networking. For more details, the LinkedIn resume is here. Please connect with me.

I’m building this site with only one goal in mind – to help your startup succeed by understanding what investors are looking for and why. I’m not promoting a consulting business, running ads on the site, nor looking for more deal flow. I do hope one day to turn this series into a book, so please sign up for the newsletter with each week’s article so I can convince publishers that there is an audience for reading this other than my wife (who to be honest, doesn’t really care about startups as long as I don’t lose too much money.) I hate spam as much as you do, so I sincerely promise not to spam you or sell your contact info.

I’m happy to answer your questions, either personally or as part of the series. But please don’t pitch me. Take my advice and find the right investors to reach out to, or apply to angel groups like Tech Coast Angels.

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